Clwydian Art Society
Carol Wynne

Carol Wynne Artist Statement
I have a vivid memory of my first successful painting. I was just 7 years old and drew colourful fantasy creatures of the sea with a biro and paint blocks. Unconsciously I was hooked but art was not allowed to become top of my priority list. So, I dreamt of becoming an artist “one day.”
On early retirement I began to follow my lifelong dream entering adult education courses. Becoming a mature student was a stimulating and challenging experience which culminated in gaining B A Hons 1st degree in Fine Art. My Degree show was mostly 3D photography, installations, video and collage based on my life and work experiences in the caring profession. Not a lot of painting! But so exciting!
Since graduating in 2009 I have concentrated on drawing, fine art printing, and paint in oils, acrylics, water colour, and pastels.
Artist that inspire me are Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Mattisse, Peter Doig, Howard Hodgkin, John Stezacker, Manray, Duchamp and Piccabia to name a few.
Abstraction with some realism allows my current fascination for colour and mark making to flow.
It’s a just so satisfying belong to this artistic community in “The Beautiful Vale of Clwyd.”
I sell my work as affordable art and am always so excited when my art finds a new home.
Carol Wynne, BA (Hons) Fine Art
Facebook: carolawynneart
Instagram: carolannwynne.arts
Email: carolawynne@hotmail.co.uk